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pet::ESSENTIAL™ healthymouth™ Dog DjugECONO (36oz)
<strong>pet::ESSENTIAL&#8482; healthymouth&#8482; Dog DjugECONO (36oz)</strong>
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(Cost per day .15 Will last a small-med breed till next year dental cleaning)
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Product on backorder. To be first to obtain after production completed, please purchase or call 1-866-LUV-PING to place an order by phone. You will be guaranteed to receive your product.

Price: $167.97

Product Code: D032


Helpful Tips To Help You Order and Start Your Dog on Healthymouth

100% Palatability Guaranteed: We have a very high rate of acceptability by both dogs and cats. However, if your dog is not satisfied with the palatability of healthymouth, we will unconditionally refund your payment.

Easiest way to use healthymouth™: Prepare a larger quantity to keep on hand. Mix 1 table spoon plus 1 teaspoon into a one-gallon container of water. Keep lid on. Not necessary to refrigerate but keep out of direct sunlight. Fill and refill dog's bowl as much as pet normally drinks. Can stay in one-gallon container up to 2 weeks. Change bowl as you would regular water. Will NOT lose efficacy if in bowl for more than a day.

Does your dog not drink much water? No problem with healthymouth. Simply dilute healthymouth in water per instructions and pour directly into your dog’s dry food, wet food, or raw diet (like a gravy) at every meal-time. Pets, by nature will lap up whatever is in its food bowl and your pet will receive the same benefits of healthymouth.

Can you use warm water with healthymouth if you add it to the kibble? Yes, BUT make sure that you do not heat the formula or diluted formula. Heat the water and then add it to the healthymouth formula, mix and add to the kibble.

What healthymouth™ will cost you per day: Healthymouth™ is NOT expensive. It is a great value for the benefits it provides. Used by preparing a larger quantity as explained above, healthymouth™ will cost you .27 a day for the VALUE JUG, and .22 a day for the SUPER SAVER JUG and .15 for the ECONO JUG.

Starting Your Dog on Product: Most dogs will start drinking healthymouth™ right away. If your dog does not, do not panic. It is not a flavor issue, it may be a color issue as the natural ingredients will turn the water a pleasant apple green. Dogs can be like kids and rebel against change. Integrate healthymouth™ more slowly by exceptionally diluting it with additional water and each day add more healthymouth™ until you have reached the prescribed dose.

How Much or How Little Healthymouth™ is it Okay For My Dog To Drink: Your Dog cannot drink too much or too little healthymouth™. He will continue to drink as he does with regular water consumption. The benefits of healthymouth™ are achieved by the long-term continual drinking and ingesting of the product on a daily basis.

Households With Dogs and Cats Sharing Bowls: No Worry. You can use either product for all pets as the clinically proven part of each formula is the same. Dog formula tastes like regular water, cat formula has a natural fish flavoring that most dogs like as well.

What Dogs Should Not Use: Natural products have potency like all products. If your dog is on antibiotics after its dental or extractions, we recommend not starting healthymouth™ until antibiotics are stopped. We have never had any contra-indications but as you know, antibiotics can upset your pets stomach as they do your own and we would not want you to confuse a stomach ache caused by the antibiotics with healthymouth. If dog is currently on any long-term antibiotics other medications, or has any known hyper-sensitivity or allergies please confer with veterinarian before starting product.

Unopened Jug: Good for up to 24 months from date of manufacturing stamped on Jug. Open Jug good for up to 24 months.

Ingredients: Click here for the ingredient list.

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