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equine::ESSENTIAL Value 2.5 Gallon Jug
<strong>equine::ESSENTIAL Value 2.5 Gallon Jug</strong>
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*Clinically proven, highly effective and cost effective.

*Free your partner from years of pain - don�t let your horse suffer in silence!

*Improves your horse�s performance, appetite, mobility and quality of life.

*Daily long-term use provides continuous improvement in overall health.

*Safe, digestive friendly and contains NO man-made chemical agents.

BONUS: Healthymouth keeps water troughs clean so you don't have to!
Price: $187.50

Product Code: H02.5


Helpful Tips To Help You Order and Start Your Horse on Healthymouth

What healthymouth™ will cost you per day: Healthymouth™ is NOT expensive. It is a great value for the multiple benefits provided. Equine::ESSENTIAL healthymouth™ will cost you $3.00 a day for the One Gallon Starter JUG, $2.50 a day for the 2.5 Gallon Value JUG and $2.00 for the Super Saver 5 gallon (two 2.5 gallon Jugs for easy pouring).

Can healthymouth when diluted in water be poured over my horse’s food? Yes. Simply dilute healthymouth in water per instructions and pour directly into your horse’s grain, or what is the regular diet (like a gravy) at every meal-time. Pets, by nature will lap up whatever is in its food bowl and your horse will receive the same benefits of healthymouth.

Can you use warm water with healthymouth if you add it to the grain? Yes, BUT make sure that you do not heat the formula or diluted formula. Heat the water and then add it to the healthymouth formula, mix and add to the grain.

Starting Your Horse on Product: Most horses will start drinking healthymouth™ right away. If your horse does not, do not panic. It is not a flavor issue, it may be a color issue as the natural ingredients will turn the water a pleasant apple green. Horses can be like kids and rebel against change. Integrate healthymouth™ more slowly by exceptionally diluting it with additional water and each day add more healthymouth™ until you have reached the prescribed dose.

How Much or How Little Healthymouth™ is it Okay For My Horse To Drink: Your horse cannot drink too much or too little healthymouth™. He will continue to drink as he does with regular water consumption. The benefits of healthymouth are achieved by the long-term continual drinking and ingesting of the product on a daily basis.

What if my horse only is able to drink a bucket full a day will it still have effect? Yes, we have found that horses actually achieve the same results as dogs and cats even when they drink considerably less healthymouth per day. We suspect this is due to the nature of their digestive system which is more like us humans. Most important is that your horse drinks some healthymouth EVERY day continually and long-term.

How can I use with an automatic watering system? I cannot lie and tell you that I have a magic solution of how to use healthymouth with automatic watering systems. What I can tell you honestly is that many owners have found ways to use it; although not an exact method: by adding healthymouth once or twice a day to the watering system or making sure that the horses using healthymouth receive at least one separate bucket full of healthymouth water a day either in its stall or simply separate from other horses. Like any kind of care for your horse, if it is important to you, (and I know it is or you wouldn’t be on the healthymouth website right now) I know you will find a way.

Can I just use healthymouth for a couple of weeks or say a month with my horse and achieve the same benefits? No, healthymouth is not snake oil nor a quick fix. This is about healing and benefits achieved through the long-term, daily and continuous use of the formula. No different if you start taking vitamins for a couple of weeks and then stop. What will happen if I stop using healthymouth on my horse? The benefits and effect of the formula will stop when your horse stops using the formula; no different than if you stopped brushing your teeth or washing your face.

Will the benefits of healthymouth for my horse plateau after a certain amount of time? No. Clinical trials have shown that continuous improvement will take place the longer the animal is on the product. We have had horses, dogs and cats on healthymouth for more than three years (including my own Ping-Pong) and Norman, the horse pictured with Ping-Pong and me, and great benefits to not only the mouth but to overall health continue.

What Horses Should Not Use: Natural products have potency like all products. If your horse is on antibiotics after its dental or extractions, we recommend not starting healthymouth™ until you have consulted with your veterinarian. We have never had any contra-indications but as you know, antibiotics can upset your horse’s stomach as they do your own and we would not want you to confuse a stomach ache caused by the antibiotics with healthymouth. If horse is currently on any long-term antibiotics other medications, or has any known hyper-sensitivity or allergies please confer with veterinarian before starting product.

Unopened Jug: Good for up to 2 years from date of manufacturing stamped on Jug. Opened jug good for up to 24 months.

Ingredients: Click here for the ingredient list.

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